Tour of Technosophia
1. On opening Technosophia
the user sees this welcome page.
Click on image for a
full screenshot

2. By clicking on Enter, the user moves to the
Technosophia home page. This offers a choice between the various
components of Technosophia. The major components are:

1. Graphic presentations of the Arguments and
thoughts of Plato and Aristotle on art.
2. Philosophical Essays interpreting the arguments of Plato and
3. A Cultural Archive presenting the background to Plato's and
Aristotle's thought, and the ongoing influence of their thought
in later aesthetics.
Technosophia also includes Texts and Translations of central passages
from Plato and Aristotle, a Glossary, and a Bibliography.
The various components of Technosophia can also be accessed from
all parts of the site by a toolbar.
3. By selecting Arguments
the user moves to a page giving a choice between Plato and Aristotle.

4. By selecting an author,
the user moves to a simple concept map showing the major concepts
used by that author in the philosophy of art.

This map introduces the
argument modules of Technosophia, which are structured around these
concepts. On selecting one concept,
the user is offered a choice of methods:
1. Argument analyses.
2. Dialogical presentation.
3. Concept map.
5. By selecting 'Argument Analyses', the
user moves to an overview of the major claims made by Plato or Aristotle
in connection with the relevant concept, and the argumentative relations
between them. By clicking on one of these claims the user may move
to a fuller analysis of the arguments connected with that claim.
6. The user may choose
between two forms of display for argument analyses. The first is
based on the format used in Archelogos and LogAnalysis, and allows
the relations between propositions to be displayed in a compact

7. The second form of display,
newly developed for Technosophia, shows the argument in a form of
a tree; this allows the structure of the argument to be displayed
more graphically. The argument trees are created dinamically by 'Philoctopus' a tool dedicated on presenting arguments as trees of nodes.
8. It is also possible
to display an argument in both forms, i.e. Archelogos analysis style
and tree-form style, in a split screen.

9. By selecting 'Dialogical
Presentation', the user moves to this module, which enables him/her
to explore the various possible positions which can be taken about
a central issue in Plato's or Aristotle's aesthetics.

Initially the user is asked
a question and given a choice of answers.
10. Depending on the answer
he/she gives, the user will be asked further questions which will
enable him/her to define his/her position more precisely.

11. By selecting Concept
map the user moves to a map displaying, in graphic form, the relations
of some central concepts in the relevant area.
12. By choosing Interpretative Essays from the
home page, the user moves to a table of contents. The themes of
the essays are the same as those which structure the graphic presentation
of arguments.

13. By choosing one item from this table the user
reaches an essay on one of the central concepts used by Plato or
Aristotle in the philosophy of art. Essays are broken up into sections
for ease of reading; different sections are accessed through the
list of contents (lower right).

14. By selecting Cultural
Archive on the home page, the user moves to a contents page showing
the five major divisions of the archive:

The Philosophers (biographies of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle)
The Artistic Background
Influence and Responses (showing the influence of Plato and Aristotle
on later thought),
in ancient times
in the middle ages
in the modern period.
15. On selecting one of
these divisions the user is offered a choice of topics.

16. By selecting one of
these topics, the user reaches an article on that topic accompanied
by images, and, where relevant, sounds. These articles are broken
up into sections for ease of reading; different sections are accessed
through the list of contents (lower right). Additional images, and
sounds, are accessed by clicking on links in the body of the article.

17. From the contents page
of the Cultural Archive the user may also access a timeline of major
events in the history of art and of aesthetics.