


Who we are



The Archelogos Method is a method of visually representing the logical relations between the philosophical theses which comprise a philosophical argument. The two main sections of the Analyses are the Arguments and Theses and the Alternative Interpretations. The first section registers the philosophical positions in the texts, and the arguments supporting them, where these are provided.

The aim is to represent visually the logical relation between philosophical theses and between philosophical arguments. Starting with the basic conclusion of the argument and advancing with 'because-statements' the user reaches the initial theses that lead to the particular argument, and sees the string of arguments unfolding on their screen.

The 'because-statements' are indented and the user can immediately perceive the support relation between theses, having the conclusion as the top statement and the supporting premises as the base below it:

Statement A (main conclusion):
Statement B (supporting statement A)
Statement D (supporting statement B)
Statement E (supporting statement B)
Statement C (supporting statement A)
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