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Inference Engine


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The pioneering reasoning system of management of the European philosophical heritage to be developed by Gnosiogenesis can be used for the presentation of any philosophy. Users will be able to create annotated arguments in first-order logic an organise them in personal knowledge bases - creating personal projects. This system will be able to answer queries, carry out analyses of arguments, and support reasoning about arguments such as hypothesis testing, and exploration of alternative interpretations. King's College London will be responsible for developing the knowledge base system (KBS), its integration with a database system and the remote availability of a theorem prover where conclusions can be checked from the knowledge base.

Arguments can optionally be encoded in a language with syntax similar to Prolog, thus being also accessible to users with little knowledge of first-order logic. The addition of labels to the arguments will allow for easier structuring of the knowledge, a natural language description of their content and for multiple versions (interpretations) of arguments to co-exist. The same language will also serve as the metalanguage in which philosophers will be able to formulate queries and analyses of arguments. In its first application this knowledge base system will be used for the presentation of Plato's theory of Forms. Scholars from Project Archelogos and the Philosophy Department of Edinburgh University, will be responsible for the analysis of Plato's philosophical arguments about moral virtue, and the Idea of the Good, which will be stored in the knowledge base system.

The system will be fully accessible over the Internet. Users can register with the system and create their own personal knowledge bases or use the pre-defined ones.
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