A beta version of the Philoctopus tool can be downloaded here.This version embeds the Java Virtual Machine (which is required by the software) thus the file is quite large. A smaller size file can be downloaded here. This version though is not stand alone it requires JVM already installed in the computer.
Once you download the zip file unzip in a directory, then double click on the start file.
Using Philoctopus is a quite simple process. There are two modes during usage.
In this mode you can browse the argument map by clicking on the nodes of interest.
The graph can be zoomed in or out by using the zoom slider.
The graph can also change the expansion rate of each node. This can be controlled with the relevance slider.
In this mode you can edit add or erase arguments from the argument map.
To add a node you have to click first on the node you wand to add a related argument. Then by keeping pressed the left mouse button you drag away from the node the mouse pointer. A line will be created which represents the link of the new node. Once you release the mouse button an argument dialog will appear from which you can set the properties of the argument.
If you right click on a node you are given the option to either erase it or edit it.
Good luck |